
Design outside the computer Your digital UI can come from the physical world. Featured on Codrops Collective No. 846, TLDR Design, The Astro Newsletter, Naive Weekly, Unicorn Club
How I created a song catalogue of gender-swapped covers The making of Genderswap.fm, using SvelteKit, Supabase, and the Spotify Web API.
How to visualize where districts start and end Helping BetaNYC map and query New York City’s various civic boundaries.
Building Commonplace What goes into building a design system for healthcare?


Lissajous Curve SVG Generator Create and export Lissajous Curves in SVG. Featured on Codrops Collective No. 823
Composed Generative staff paper for non-linear time.
Wind Waker A pixel art recreation of the water from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.
HYPERSENSITIVE A looping, generative meditation on overwhelm, autism, and synesthesia.
Design Is How do you define design? Featured on Codrops Collective No. 842
Genderswap.fm Cataloguing gender-reversal in cover songs. Featured on kottke.org, Made With Svelte, escape the algorithm
America, My Face Is Saying Everything That You Need To Know (dot com)